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Hartman Center for Civic Engagement

Hartman Center for Civic Engagement

The Hartman Center strives to develop students into active community members with an understanding and respect of diversity and social justice by facilitating authentic service experiences through collaborative community partnerships. 

The Hartman Center for Civic Engagement educates students through community-based experiential learning, partnerships, and action.  As a Center we offer programs, such as DePauw Service volunteering, Bonner and Stone Scholars, and one-time service events.  We also partner with Greek Life, the Center for Diversity and Inclusion, individual faculty, and other campus entities to engage more colleagues and students in community engagement.

Learning Goals

  • To gain professional experience and skills through measurable community impact experiences
  • To gain a sense of agency in their community and beyond
  • To understand positionality and systems of oppression in relation to their academic, social, and service environments